Sunday, April 10, 2011


The debate between Orissa and Odisha is again on the cards. Some
people say our state has its own identity so better call it Odisha.
Others say renaming is merely a reflection of our own mind set. The
fact that very often our state is pronounced in multiple ways so let
it be only one name for English, Hindi, and Odia. Perhaps renaming is
not the most significant thing for a state which is under developed
despite of large FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) participation. The
focus should shift in the direction of unvarying development of the
entire state.
Back in 90s our state was crawling in development credentials. The
dream that our forefathers had envisaged, when Odisha became a
separate state was on a standstill. But when Biju Janta Dal(BJD) came
in to power the scenario changed rapidly. Thanks to our liberal
industrialization policy and Odisha achieved a robust economy termed
as “Miracle economy” by economists. Almost every MNC showed their
attention in positioning their unit in the state. As a result of which
non- descript places like “Kalingnagar”,”Dhinkia” came in to picture.
The economic boom complemented the social sector in a balanced way.
This thing is clearly established in the census 2001-2011 in which our
literacy rate improved significantly. In true sense
“Industrialization” brought our state back on the track from which we
can take on other states in terms of economy and social reform.
On the contrary the inflow of wealth has endorsed uneven development
throughout the entire state. Loads of central funds along with state
funding could not revamp the condition of “KBK” districts. People in
those regions are still deprived of basic amenities like road
connectivity, education and health care. The failure of government
apparatus has paved the way for the Maoists. Maoism has long been
acting as a resistance in growth of our state. If someone goes
carefully with the Maoist movement, he can trace the roots in
underdeveloped districts of the state. The point that coastal
districts are less affected by the menace adds to the assumption that
development is one of the factors in spreading the Maoist presence.
Instead of spending on security and countering the red army,
government must spend on improvement of poverty stricken districts. A
proper road map should be adopted to alleviate poverty in different
tribal areas of the state. Once the socio economic condition of the
poor tribal’s is boosted up, there will be a glimpse of hope that they
will refrain from armed revolution. Road connectivity, health care
facility, along with education must be improved so that tribal will
not feel alienated from main stream. Though there are several poor
friendly schemes currently in action, the benefit seems to be pocketed
by corrupt officials. This corruption needs to be dealt with much
precision and exemplary punishment. The government must reconsider its
approach in dealing with the extremists as it is not exclusively a law
and order problem.
Another area of concern is the frequent unrest of people at the time
of land acquisition. The Kalingnagar incident showed the ineptness and
callousness of state government towards land acquisition. The
confrontations between supporters and agitators have set up a bad
trend which is going to influence “Industrialization” process in near
future. Democracy never allows government suppressing voice of people.
Optimists may feel the urgency in land acquisition as
Industrialization has turned in to a boon for the state. But at the
same time it has destabilized people’s faith in government up to some
extent. Government must adopt moderate measures while dealing with
agitations over land. An environment of mistrust can be detrimental
for the growth of entire state.
Indeed we are marching towards a prosperous and improved Odisha. The
last thing we can expect from the denizens of UTKAL is to come forward
and join hands to turn the dream in to reality. No society can advance
without its vibrant civil society. Good governance along with an
energetic civil society can bring the intended growth for our state.
The day does not seem far away when Odisha and the people of Odisha
will seize the opportunity and the name debate will of least
significance. BANDE UTKAL JANANI…..

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